Digital Cosmonot | Consultancy Services

Our Specialties

As Digital Cosmonot, we don't like to be too assertive , but we are assertive in the following areas where we do projects.

Open Data Consultancy

Open data is data that is not copyrighted, can be used, edited and distributed by anyone. Open data is aimed at transparency and participation of the state. Thanks to open data, states can increase their productivity, both economically and socially. Citizens' awareness also increases when data is publicly and freely available. It must be licensed, constantly renewed, secure and indexed. As Digital Cosmonot, we serve institution with our experience in creating and sharing open data sets. In this direction, we support both open source projects and ensure that the institution adapts to the open data philosophy. In our open data projects in this scope, we use open source products such as CKAN and KONG Api Gateway.

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API Management

In today's world, all services provided by corporate companies have evolved into services provided on a software system. The success of the institution has become a direct influence on the success of the software system it has, and the success of the software system has become a direct influence on the success of the institution. Now, the consistency, flexibility, modernity of software systems and their development achievements in these areas determine the competitiveness of institutions in the sector. Another important issue for software systems integration capabilities in API Gateway and API management layers institution and its software provides capabilities such as system integration, service, security, authorization, access control, type conversion, and service orchestration. As Digital Cosmonot, we can provide both product supply and service – architectural consulting for existing systems in Api management and Api Gateway projects.

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OPEN Banking & PSD2

"Banking is necessary, but banks are not."This phrase, which Bill Gates used in a program he participated in in 1994, reflects a very important prediction about the future of banking. From the classic “Bank” approach, which was positioned as a closed system in the past and the service it provides can only be accessed through its own channels, we have reached a milestone that we call the Bank (BaaS – Bank as a Services) as a platform today. Although this transformation seems to be a requirement of the PSD2 law in Europe, it is an inevitable milestone for sectoral competition and banking services to be transmitted to the customer through alternative channels. In this new banking approach, we help both adapt the bank's technological infrastructure to open banking services and adapt the classic work flow to this modern approach. With the api management and banking experience we have, we consult our customers' corporate business processes and make legislative adaptations together.

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