Digital Cosmonot | Open Banking PSD2

API Gateway & API Portal & Identity Bridging Platform

  • Open Banking, in its simplest form, is the opening of some banking services of the bank over the internet so that they can be used by third-party service providers. Accordingly, in order for a bank to be able to do open banking, it is necessary to create identity & access information bridging infrastructures with a properly constructed API management platform. As Digital Cosmonot, we ensure that our customers are prepared as architecture and infrastructure in open banking transformations with the success we have achieved in API Management and API Gateway projects that we have provided in the sector for many years. In this architectural transformation, we can provide technical support on the existing Api Gateway Platform, as well as provide sales of the webMethods product of SoftwareAG, which we partner with.

Open Banking Legislation Consultancy

  • Open banking is structured according to legislation. The law of this legislation applied in the European Union member states and the European Economic Area is called PSD2, and this law sets a number of rules that we call RTS (Regularity Technical standard). Legal consultants are available within our technical team to ensure compliance of banking services to be shared on the Api management platform with the necessary legislation. In this way, we are able to ensure the compliance of the technical infrastructure with the legislation and provide advice on how the legislation can be applied.

Platform Transformation From API Gateway To Open Banking

  • Api Gateway platforms that you own or plan to buy do not support Open Banking with their basic state. These platforms are like the framework. It must be developed, integrated, audited and adapted to business processes. By working with you, we determine what all the other necessary components that Api Gateway platforms need to do this transformation, or how they can integrate into your existing system. Here, with the knowledge and experience gained in our other projects, we aim to provide our customers with the most advantageous solutions in the long term. For Open Banking legislation of SoftwareAG, which we partner with click here